Context clues: counting on contexts.

Processed with VSCOYesterday in our AbPsych class, our professor mentioned that in identifying disorders, we have to look for and consider the contributory factors. We cannot just diagnose a person with just the symptoms we observe. We have to really listen and know their side. To explore the contributory factors means to understand the disorder based on the person’s context.

I believe this is true not just for identifying disorders. And this fact encompasses every field and all walks of life. This should be a general/universal rule to everyone: to never judge a book by its cover, but to really know the context of where people are coming from. Each one has a battle that he/she is fighting. Everyone we meet may seem okay, but not everyone is actually okay. Because beyond every smile, laughter, and joke that we encounter, only a few is considered out of pure happiness, and most are signs of strength in the midst of suffering.

Everyone is fighting a battle, so choose your battles wisely. Be sensitive enough to be kind. Be understanding. Listen. Never judge. For each of us doesn’t have the right to be right, but only the the right to be broken.